Expediting Hospital Appointments

Due to Covid-19  restrictions many people are having to wait longer for their hospital outpatient appointment.  This is the case across many specialties.  All referrals to secondary care (hospitals) are assessed by the relevant consultant team.  The practice has no influence as to when the consultants allocate their appointments, which they do based on the urgency of the clinical need.


Many patients are contacting us at the moment asking for letters to be sent to help expedite/speed up their appointment.  This is something we are unable to do, for the reasons given above.


However, if you think your symptoms have changed and are now urgent, do feel free to write a letter or email detailing why you think this is the case and we can forward your letter to the relevant specialty team at the hospital.  The more detail you can include, the better.


Please send your letter to the practice or email to bruton.surgery@nhs.net.


Thank you


The Clinical Team at Bruton Surgery