COVID-19 Information

COVID Vaccinations - Spring Boosters

COVID 'Spring Boosters' are being recommended for those patients who are:

  • aged 75 and over
  • residents in adult care homes
  • aged 6 months and over with a weakened immune system.

Vaccinations should be given about 6 months after the previous vaccination (and at least 1 month after a positive COVID test).

Text invitations have been sent to eligible patients to book into our clinics online.  Alternatively please contact the National Booking Service on 119 or online.

For information about the current vaccination programme including eligibility, please visit the


Somerset Vaccination Programme

For further information including details about the different vaccinations currently being offered in Somerset, please visit here.


NHS Covid Pass information

The NHS COVID Pass shows a patient's COVID-19 vaccination details or test results and is needed for foreign travel or attendance at events in England asking for proof of COVID-19 status.  For information about the NHS COVID Pass, please click here.

If you have any queries about your passport such as a missing vaccination, please contact NHS 119 by calling 119 and ask to speak with the Vaccination Data Resolution Service

Alternatively please visit the Somerset CCG's website here.

NHS COVID Pass - for children aged 12 to 15
Children can get an NHS login to generate a digital COVID Pass via the NHS App or without the need to contact their GP surgery.
The NHS COVID Pass service for 12-15 year olds went live in early February, and it is accessible via for those aged 12 and over, and the NHS App for those aged 13 and over.
In addition to providing access to the NHS COVID Pass, the NHS App will allow 13 to 15 year olds to access other non-personalised services such as Health A-Z, organ donation and 111 online.
To find out more, please visit or call 119.
Different Names on Passports and NHS COVID Passports

With the introduction of NHS COVID Passports, it is very important that your GP record and your Passport have the same name.  If you are updating your GP record with your married name (or for any other reason), please ensure that you also change your Passport (and other ID such as your driving licence) too so that both records have the same name.

This will avoid confusion at the borders when travelling, or any other time when you need to provide your identification and NHS Covid Passport.

Long Covid

Many people with COVID will recover within a few days or weeks, but for some the effects of COVID unfortunately last longer.  Long COVID is now recognised and defined as:

  • ongoing symptomatic COVID-19: having signs and symptoms of COVID-19 for 4-12 weeks
  • Post COVID-19 Syndrome: signs and symptoms that develop during or after Covid-19 and continue for more than 12 weeks and are not explained by an alternative diagnosis

For further information and support to self-manage Long COVID, please visit Your Covid Recovery.

Hope Programme

The Hope Programme provides an 8 week course to support recover from Long COVID.  Patients can self-refer - for details, please see the poster below:

Hope Programme poster

COVID-19 Precautions

The practice operates from a small building where social distancing is very difficult to maintain.  Vulnerable patients are continuing to attend the practice for face to face care, and it is therefore important that we minimise the risk to patients and staff to ensure the practice continues to operate safely.

Initial consultations with our Clinical Team will be conducted by telephone or video.  When making a request, it can be helpful to provide a photograph to help the clinician.  In discussing your care, if the clinician feels it is necessary and appropriate to see you in person, they will arrange this with you.  Face to face (or in person) appointments with a GP or ANP are not booked directly by our Reception Team at present.

When attending the practice we ask you to co-operate with us to keep everyone safe:

  • wear a mask when in the building.  A surgical mask will be provided on entry if you do not have one.
  • arrive on time for your appointment to keep waiting to a minimum
  • let us know you have arrived using the intercom
  • wait outside or in your car after letting us know you are here
  • if you need to book a follow up appointment, please call us or use AskMyGP rather than book at the Reception Desk.

We know that other shops and businesses have reopened, but each premises has to consider what is safe in its own environment.  In our considered view, the building is too small and the risk to staff and vulnerable patients too great at this time to reopen fully at the present time.

Infection Control Measures from the 19 July 2021

Patient Advice following the lifting of restrictions on 19 July 2021

COVID Updates

Covid Vaccination update 23.4.2021

Covid update 9.4.21 - latest about the vaccination programme including the updated guidance relating to the AstraZeneca vaccine