Metabolic Health 28 Day Plan

Would you like more energy and an improved sense of wellbeing?

Try the Metabolic Health 28 Day Plan, a flexible new method to improve your health and wellbeing.

Good metabolic health means we are more likely to feel well and the many benefits can include increased energy levels, improved mood, lower blood pressure and a reduction in excess belly fat.

The 28 Day Plan was originally created for patients in the NHS by GP, Dr Campbell Murdoch. The results were so impressive, it was decided that it should be openly available, so everyone can benefit.

Using the Metabolic Health plan, you can easily create your own 28 Day Personal Health Plan or choose our 28 Day Rapid Results Plan to work towards the or create your own 28 Day Personal Health Plan.

In the Metabolic Health 28 Day Plan you will:

Learn what metabolic health is, how to measure it, how to improve it and how to put your own 28 Day Plan into action.

Good metabolic health means we are more likely to feel well and thrive. Conversely, poor metabolic health causes fatigue, excess belly fat, poor mental health, and contributes to most modern diseases including:

  • Prediabetes and type 2 diabetes
  • Hypertension
  • Fatty liver
  • Heart disease
  • Chronic kidney disease
  • Stroke
  • Dementia
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Most mental health disorders
  • Many musculoskeletal conditions
  • Skin conditions (e.g. psoriasis)
  • Some cancers
  • Sleep apnoea
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome

Fortunately, metabolic health can always be improved.

A 28 day plan is achievable and it will get significant results. Within one to two weeks many people notice clothes become looser, and within two to three weeks most people report feeling more alive, less hungry, and in a better mood.

For more information visit or contact the Health Coach team for support on 01749 812310 (option 3).