Bruton Surgery has the following roles and staff to provide support and care to its patient population:
Louisa McLachlan, Consultant Nurse Practitioner
Clinical Lead
Louisa McLachlan, Consultant Nurse Practitioner
General Practitioners (Doctors)
Dr Susanna Stoneley (f), MBChB (Hons) (University of Liverpool 2008), MRCGP
Dr Stoneley qualified in Liverpool in 2008. She studied medicine as a mature student having first studied philosophy. She also worked in publishing and lived in Germany for a short time. She completed her foundation training at Weston and Bristol hospitals, and did her GP training in Gateshead, Liverpool and Yeovil.
Dr Stoneley is the practice lead for Mental Health, Dementia and Learning Disability. She has recently qualified as a GP trainer and we look forward to welcoming trainee GPs to the practice team in the near future.
She spends her free time with her husband and two daughters, and enjoys growing vegetables and expanding her collection of houseplants.
Dr David Rogers (m), MBChB (University of Cape Town 1995), MRCGP
David enjoys all parts of general practice and has specialised in medical education. When not in the practice he is usually involved in teaching at Bristol Medical School. Hobbies include tennis, running and mountain biking.
Nurse Practitioners
Emma Goldsmith - Nurse Practitioner & Lead Nurse
Qualified as a Registered Nurse in 2000. Undertook BSc in Intensive care whilst working as a Sister within an Intensive care at in Oxford, then worked within multiple ICUs within the SouthWest and Bristol at various levels of seniority.
Whilst working within the areas of anaesthetics and recovery undertook her Independent prescribing course which lead to her advancing her skills to work within Primary care and Bruton Surgery. Currently undertaking modules towards MSc Advanced Practice.
Physician Associate
Emily Swarbrick
Studied Biochemistry and Human biology with Open University, followed by a Masters in Physician Associate Studies at St Georges Medical School London - completing with a Distinction.
Joined from secondary care, where she has experience working in the Emergency Department, Cardiology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Paediatrics.
Physician Associates are Medically Trained Generalist who, whilst not a doctor, can work to support doctors and the medical team in diagnosing and managing acute and chronic conditions.
Jane Hobbs, Senior Practice Manager
Working closely with the Clinical Lead for the practice, the Practice Manager is responsible for the non-clinical aspects of the practice such as staffing and HR, financial management (with the SHS Finance Team), Governance including complaints, compliance and reporting, Patient engagment through the Patient Group, Patient Newsletters, website and social media and many other aspects of the practice.
Jane is supported by:
- Mandy Andrews, Office Manager with responsibility for our Reception and Administration Team
- Sara Francis, Outcomes and Performance Manager with responsibility for data, QOF and our Healthcoach Team.
Our Nursing Team provides treatment room care such as injections, blood tests, dressings, cervical smears. They also provide chronic disease management through birthday month reviews for diabetes, respiratory and heart conditions.
Nurse Lead
Emma Goldsmith
Practice Nurses
- Sam Maber - specialises in Diabetes and Asthma
- Julie Lowry - specialises in Diabetes
Healthcare Assistants
- Marie Wise
- Kai Pao-Tams
Nursing Team appointments are best made by phoning the practice so that a convenient appointment time can be arranged.
Most of our Nursing Team appointments are face-to-face due to the nature of the care provided therefore please be respectful and follow our COVID precautions.
Chronic disease reviews are currently conducted by telephone following a ‘health screening’ appointment with our Healthcare Assistants who obtain your current height, weight, BP and undertake a blood test.
Some of our Nursing appointments are available to book online, such as smears, BP checks and flu vaccinations. Please ensure that you use the correct appointment for your need and after receiving an invitation.
Our Health and Wellbeing Coaches are Beth (Team Lead) & Alison
The Healthcoach Team is managed by Sara, our Outcomes and Performance Manager.
Healthcoaches provide support to patient to gain knowledge, skills and confidence to improve your health and well-being. This may be to provide lifestyle advice and encouragement, or support vulnerable and isolated patients through regular contact, or let you know of local groups and support available.
For further information please see our leaflet below, or contact our Healthcoaches either by telephone (01749 812310), email to or via AskMyGP.
Our Reception & Administration Team provide a vital role in your care, such as being the initial point of contact and providing advice to support your care, processing prescriptions and referrals for further treatment, proactively recalling patients for routine care and reviews and ensuring that information is passed to those who need it. It is a demanding role so please respect their contribution to your care.
Team Leader
Our Reception Team
Debbie, Becki, Anne-Marie, Georgie, Liz, Hayley, Sarah
Our Administration Team
Becki, Claire & Caroline
The following staff providing clinics or clinical support to patients at Bruton Surgery. Some appointments may be offered at other locations or by telephone:
- Thomas Bevan, Musculo-Skeletal Physiotherapist (Rural Practice Primary Care Network) - providing first contact physiotherapy assessments, appointments are available on Friday mornings
- Ian Clegg and Julie Gardner, Pharmacy Team (Rural Practice Primary Care Network) - undertaking complex medication reviews and supporting the prescribing safety o fthe practice
- Midwifery Service, Yeovil District Hospital - appointments for expectant mums are available on Monday mornings
- Complex Care Team - providing additional care and support to our frail and elderly patients