AskMyGP – change of hours

We have changed our AskMyGP in hours service times to support the surgery to manage demand:

  • Monday – Thursday: 07:30 – 16:00 (closed to new requests outside of these hours)
  • Friday: 07:30 – 14:00 (closed to new requests outside of these hours)
  • Saturday/ Sunday: closed to new requests

Whilst still enabling good access for patients, this change will support the surgery to effectively work through all requests submitted.  We are hopeful that once demand settles we will again review the out of hours option for the system.  Please also remember that the surgery operates a 3 working day / 72 hour initial response time – to support us contacting you, please inform us of your availability when submitting your request.

If you need to speak to the practice about an issue after these times, please call the surgery on 01749 812310.

Thank you.